
trace mineral COPPER WITH ZINC

metabolism | mood | energy | skin repair

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Of all the supplements I researched, copper is the only one that helps with metabolism, mood, energy and skin repair. It is an essential trace mineral needed by your body to produce ATP, dopamine and collagen. But it can also be toxic in high levels, so it’s important to understand the data and advisable to speak to your doctor before supplementing with copper.

Smokers show elevated copper levels and CuZn SOD compared with non-smokers, and also indicate that people exposed to second hand tobacco smoke (passive smokers) also have elevated copper levels. ( 1, 2 ) These studies which provide detailed analysis of all metals and toxic elements of tobacco exposure, suggest that the increase copper levels may only be in “functional” smokers, and that higher levels of copper in the blood of smokers may be affected by duration and frequency of smoking, as well as the type of the tobacco, or even the brand. ( 3, 4 )

It’s unclear from the research available whether or not copper is accumulated in the body from smoking, or if the increase in copper levels is acute, caused by smoking inhalation, and falls with cessation. A study on the copper levels of opiate users admitted to the hospital for overuse shows a higher copper level at time of admission which decreased with time at the hospital to levels closer to non-users. ( 5 ) Even if copper levels do fall in cessation, studies suggest that copper may still accumulate in the bodies of smokers and that the accumulation of minerals may be influenced by the high level of cadmium and lead caused by smoking and present in the bodies of smokers. ( 5, 6, 7 ). What’s promising is this study which studied cadmium levels of smokers and former smokers and found that cadmium levels in the hair of former smokers resembled that of non-smokers after cessation. ( 8 )

Estrogen and use of birth control pills or hormonal therapy also increases copper levels in women.

Most important, is copper’s symbiotic relationship with zinc. What this means is that as copper levels rise, zinc levels lower and vice versa. Because of this, when zinc is taken as a supplement, it lowers copper levels. While one of the studies cited above finds no difference in zinc or iron levels of smokers, this study suggests zinc deficiency in smokers, compared to non-smokers, ( 9 ) and this study concludes that there are inconsistencies in studies regarding zinc levels in smokers, but definitely found lower zinc levels when hair studies were conducted on smokers, it also suggests lower levels of zinc in smokers based on it’s relationship to copper. ( 10 )

While studies indicate that it is clear that smokers have high levels of copper in their blood, it is unclear if smokers copper levels fall in cessation, and / or if smokers in cessation become copper deficient. The best way for you to know the copper levels in your body is to request a test from your doctor, preferably before cessation and after cessation.

The daily upper level limit for copper is 10mg for adults.

Women using birth control or taking estrogen should exercise caution if taking copper supplementation.

Because copper is an essential trace mineral needed for so many important functions, I plan to take a copper supplement containing 2mg copper and 15mg zinc following my initial detox, in which I will only take zinc.

Copper is essential for your body to produce

May help with these withdrawal symptoms

  • Constipation

  • Depression

  • Fatigue (lack of energy)

  • Slow Metabolism

food sources | oysters, lobster, spinach, green peas, dark chocolate (72% cacao or higher) and spirulina

take daily or every other day with dinner following detox phase of cessation


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