72 Hours Since My Last Cigarette and Oh So Irritable


Woohoooooooo 72 hours since my last cigarette and weighed in today at 109.1 so my weight is staying steady and something I’m doing is keeping my metabolism going, which has never happened to me before in any of my past quits.

At about 3 days into it - I’m still in my detox phase and the only withdrawal symptoms, I’m really struggling with are CRAVINGS (I had to talk myself out of relapsing today a couple of times) and IRRITABILITY (How dare the grocery service screw up the ice-cream I ordered?! LOL) and I’m a little fatigued. At least I'm not dealing with slowed metabolism, constipation, and weight gain, whatever I'm taking seems to be working so far.

Also, once again thank goodness for Chromium.

To be fair - I also had no coffee this morning. But at least the irritability lets me know I’m detoxing. (Like I’m really getting mad at tiny little ridiculous things hahaha)

On a positive note, I’m still eating what I want, when I want and I would be eating vanilla ice-cream tonight if the store got my order right - but NO, no ice-cream for me.

Pretty much took today exactly what I took yesterday as far as supplements go.

Even though the nicotine should be out of my system by now, I’m thinking I’ll stick with detox for a couple more days just to see, it seems to be working for me, minus the irritability. I’m hoping both the cravings and the irritability fade out soon.

Out of all the withdrawal symptoms, irritability is definitely not the worst - but it definitely tests your resolve when you’re mad AF about not getting your ice-cream (lol) and cravings are coming at you at the same time. Sometimes it feels like war, not to mention there’s enough stress in the world these days.

Inositol to the rescue.

There you have it. I eeked out another day as a non-smoker. Let’s keep it going.

kate mitchell